Back on March 28th, 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made history by approving a “little blue pill” to treat men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Originally promoted by Bob Dole in a first-of-its-kind consumer marketing drive, ViagraⓇ quickly became one of the most sought-after drugs on the market, resulting in 300,000 filled prescriptions in one week and a billion dollars in sales in the first year alone. According to Bloomberg, ViagraⓇ has seen staggering sales of more than $30 billion dollars in the years since it was introduced to consumers.
While “the little blue pill” was the first, it’s certainly not the only sexual vitality treatment on the market today. Dr. Satchi, a Danbury, Connecticut-based OB/GYN and Director of Candlewood Aesthetics Med Spa and Wellness Center, explains how sexual vitality treatments have evolved over the past 20 years and what the different options are for men and women today.
“A man’s ability to produce and maintain an erection depends on his body’s ability to release nitric oxide,” says Dr. Satchi. “When nitric oxide is released, it expands the blood vessels which helps the body increase blood flow and initiate sexual stimulation. ViagraⓇ works by helping the body channel nitric oxide to the right places, but it can’t help the body to produce it. A simple saliva test can reveal if a patient isn’t producing enough nitric oxide, in which case, a traditional erectile dysfunction treatment such as ViagraⓇ will have no effect.”
Until recently, men with low nitric oxide production or aging tissue in the penile area had little hope of sexual arousal. But now, through new alternative therapies, both men and women can achieve increased sexual vitality without having to rely on traditional pharmaceuticals. One such treatment is PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, which is derived from a patient’s own blood.
“We draw the blood from the patient’s arm and then centrifuge it to create the platelet-rich plasma,” says Dr. Satchi. “Platelets contain proteins called growth factors which are the body’s best natural defense force. When applied in a concentrated form, PRP has a unique ability to overcome deficiencies by supercharging our body’s natural healing mechanisms.”
Until recently, PRP was used mainly to treat injuries and pro athletes such as Tiger Woods, Steph Curry, and Rafael Nadal have been reported to use the treatment to recover twice as quickly. Advancements in medicine have now made it possible to utilize PRP treatments in a wider variety of conditions, from anti-aging to hair regrowth to erectile dysfunction and low sex drive.
“Because PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood, the treatment is completely natural and safe for people who don’t respond to or are unable to take traditional pharmaceutical solutions,” says Dr. Satchi.
The PRP solution for impotence is called the P-Shot, a 30-minute treatment that uses blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the tissue in the penis. The non-surgical procedure includes a three-step process where blood is drawn from the patient’s arm, centrifuged to create the plasma enriched gel, and then injected into the penile area. The results can take up to eight weeks for patients to see the full effect and one procedure can last up to a year and a half.
Unlike ViagraⓇ, PRP treatments have also been found to provide a safe and effective sexual vitality solution for women. Called the O-Shot, PRP is injected into the vaginal area to rejuvenate women with low sexual desire or difficulty achieving orgasm. O-Shot has also been found to effectively treat urinary incontinence.
While PRP offers patients an all-natural, effective solution to treat physical sexual deficiencies, Dr. Satchi also commends the treatment for its emotional benefits. In fact, many of his patients credit him for saving their marriage.
“Twenty years ago, the introduction of ViagraⓇ gave men the opportunity to address impotence and get back their confidence. Since then we have been able to move past pharmaceuticals and explore natural treatments that provide long-lasting physical and emotional benefits for both men and women. It is important for people to know that there are options and a conversation with your doctor could just change your life.”